Reverse Culture Shock

 Living abroad has been one of the best thing I’ve ever done, but something people don’t tell you is just how hard it is. Most people can empathize like “oh it must be hard being away from family” and yes, it absolutely is. Especially when there’s an emergency and you can’t get home thanks to a global pandemic... but honestly, the hardest thing is coming back.

Picture this, you’re so excited to come home and get back to seeing your friends, going out for fun day trips or boozy nights out like it used to be, but what you don’t consider is that while your experience and time away has changed you, it also has had a huge impact on your relationships. Your friendship groups have changed, people forget to invite you places because they’re so used to you not being there, friends/ family you once considered close now feel distant and some don’t even get in touch at all. 

It’s crushing. You begin to question everything and you just feel alone. Yeah, I miss my friends who I’ve just left, but that’s not the hardest thing. The hardest thing is now feeling that you don’t belong anywhere...friendships have evolved and changed where you just moved from because now you’re no longer there, but they also evolved back home in your absence, and you’re the outsider. 

I did a little research and it’s called a reverse culture shock. The process of repatriating and then feeling like home isn’t home anymore. One of the tips i saw online was to write a blog (so here I am) but honestly, pouring all these feelings out has only made me feel worse, because I’m facing my loneliness and isolation. I’m sure it will get better, after all I’ve been back for less than 3 months, but holy crap this is hard.


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