30 before 30

Earlier this year I turned 27, and with that I decided I needed a bucket list. What resulted was a list of 30 targets which I aim to achieve before turning 30. Of course, COVID may have put the brakes on this quite considerably so I’m not holding myself to the exact date of my birthday since a large portion of this list relies on being able to travel internationally... 

Without further adieu, I present to you my 30 before 30 list:


- Get engaged (I’m aware this is largely dependent on my partner but he has assured me we will be engaged before then!)

- Get a dog

- Start a new hobby - COMPLETE - over lockdown I started running, I’m not very good at it but I find I actually enjoy it a lot more than I ever though I would, I used to always be in the camp of only running out of necessity


- Live abroad - COMPLETE - In 2018 I was fortunate enough to move to Canada with my job, and late 2019 my lovely boyfriend joined me. As it stands we will be moving back to the UK in May of 2021, which although it saddens me, there is a small part of me which is excited

- Australia (I plan to spend my 30th in Australia)

- Amsterdam

- New York (this one may have to be replaced by something else depending on the COVID situation in the coming months. We did plan to spend some time there in December but that now isn’t going to happen sadly)

- More sightseeing in the UK (I know this is a little vague but despite living in the UK for 25 years I have seen very little of it. One of my top places to visit is Barra in the Western Isles where my boyfriend is from)

- Take mum on holiday (I always planned for this to be somewhere exotic like Dubai, but now I anticipate it to be somewhere closer to home, perhaps Italy since my boyfriend and I loved it there)

- Go to a festival abroad 

- Fly first/ business class

Career & Education

- Become a manager

- Complete my masters (currently slaving over my thesis so the end is in sight!!)

- Learn Gaidhlig


- See the Northern Lights

- Go Snorkelling

- Bungee Jump

- Complete a supercar driving experience

- Take part in another volunteering experience (this one I would love to do somewhere like the Maldives with turtles but I think it’s likely we will do something in Australia when we go!)

- Visit a gin distillery (I’ve done the Guinness tour, I’ve done a beer tour, but as a gin lover a distillery tour is the logical next step)


- Pay off debts

- Make a designer shoe purchase

- Start saving a deposit for a house (I’m not sure I want to settle in the UK but I do want to own property somewhere so I’d like to have a little fund saved to make that a reality)

Health & Fitness

- Run a 10k (I actually aim to so that by the end of 2021)

- Learn to snowboard

- Achieve and maintain my ideal body shape

- Get all 3 of my splits

- Become more plant based in my diet - COMPLETE - I currently eat around 40-50% plant based meals each week

- Climb a mountain

- Compete in a pole competition - COMPLETE - OK so I actually did this a little before my 27th birthday last November, I didn’t place but It was a good experience nonetheless

If it weren’t for COVID stealing 2020 away from us, I would have ticked off at least 2 more than I have, but even so I think 4/30 in the tumultuous year we have had is still pretty damn good!

What’s on your bucket list if you have one? I may take suggestions as inspiration for my 40 before 40 list in a few year’s time!

Lauren xoxo


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