Grief is a funny thing. When we think of grief, we automatically think of grieving the death of a loved one. However grief is a multi-faceted thing, and we can grieve so much more than just death. I learned this in recent months. I grieved the life I lived in Canada when I returned to the UK, I grieved the friendships that had deteriorated, I grieved the happiness I once felt when I was going through depression, and so so much more in the last 18 months. So much of this was unexpected, and it is only now I realize and accept that this was grief. In the midst of my depression I didn’t understand these feelings, I just felt suffocated by sadness. Now I understand what this was, I can recognize that one of the reasons I struggled to get through this phase is because I didn’t sit in it and process it. It’s funny, because grief is such a heavy emotion which we all want to escape and avoid, and yet the only way to be free of it is to go through it. And that shit is HARD. Especially when...