30 before 30
Earlier this year I turned 27, and with that I decided I needed a bucket list. What resulted was a list of 30 targets which I aim to achieve before turning 30. Of course, COVID may have put the brakes on this quite considerably so I’m not holding myself to the exact date of my birthday since a large portion of this list relies on being able to travel internationally... Without further adieu, I present to you my 30 before 30 list: Personal - Get engaged (I’m aware this is largely dependent on my partner but he has assured me we will be engaged before then!) - Get a dog - Start a new hobby - COMPLETE - over lockdown I started running, I’m not very good at it but I find I actually enjoy it a lot more than I ever though I would, I used to always be in the camp of only running out of necessity Travel - Live abroad - COMPLETE - In 2018 I was fortunate enough to move to Canada with my job, and late 2019 my lovely boyfriend joined me. As it stands we will be moving back to the UK in Ma...